Last-Minute Baby Halloween Costumes

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By Lyz Lenz

One of the best things about having a child is rediscovering the joy of holidays like Halloween. But if new parenthood is taking its toll and you’ve run out of time and energy to make that perfect baby costume, don’t worry, we have you covered. Here are five baby costumes that are so easy to make it’s like stealing Halloween candy from a baby.

1. Baby Gaga

All you need for this look is a black onesie, pink socks, black shoe laces and some baby attitude. The hat is a little trickier to replicate. Try gluing a circle of poster board to a black hat. This costume brings sass, style and guarantees that your baby will be more cleverly dressed than those run of the mill chain store costumes.

2. Baby FDR
Although it was a secret then, most people now know that president Franklin D. Roosevelt was wheel-chair bound. In honor of our 32nd president and the man who lead us out of the great depression, dress your little one up in a suit and stick him in his stroller for a historically accurate costume.

3. Baby Burrito
If your little one is still a tiny burrito, consider spray-gluing tin foil to one of your swaddling sleepers and writing “CHIPOLTE” on the side. That way your burrito can get some trick or treating in between naps.

4. Baby Hipster
Baby stores are a cornucopia of skinny jeans for babies. Capitalize on this slightly horrifying trend and don your baby in her most ironic onesie and some skinny jeans. Extra points if you tape a Pabst Blue Ribbon label to your baby’s bottle.

5. Baby Tom Selleck
Cut a mustache out of brown felt and glue it onto your baby’s pacifier, then glue doll hair (can be purchased at any craft store) onto a onesie to simulate that hairy Tom Selleck chest. Slip on some pants and you got yourself a baby Tom Selleck.

What will your baby be dressed up as this Halloween?

About the Author:
Lyz Lenz is a writer, a mom and a midwesterner. Although, not in that order. She lives in Iowa and on the web at

Need a quick costume? Try these 5 hilarious options for your baby.

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