

Good News About Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums? They’re so passé. Turns out, toddlers just aren’t living up to their terrible twos reputation. In a surprising study, scientists found that fewer than 10 percent of young…
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Summer Toddler Activities

It’s official: Summer’s here, and that means saying bye-bye to cabin fever and hello to fresh air and some serious fun in the sun. Here’s some of our favorite summer…
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5 Tips for Picky Eaters

Getting your toddler to eat nutritious food can be a battle at every meal. But if you start building good nutritional habits at a very young age, you can set…
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10 Toddler Asthma Remedies

Here’s a shocking stat: Nearly 10 percent of kids in the U.S. have asthma, making it one of the most common chronic disorders in childhood and is characterized by airway…
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Dealing with Sibling Rivalry

Do you have a sibling rivalry in your household? Here’s how some moms keeping the peace and strengthen their kids’ connections. “It’s a combination of keeping them together so they…
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What to do When Your Toddler Bites

He’s red-faced, growling, and he’s ready to sink his teeth into another child’s shoulder. No we aren’t describing Dracula; we’re talking about your normally sweet, adorable toddler—who’s turned into a…
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Brain Child

By Nancy Gottesman Remember how your ob-gyn (and every pregnancy-related magazine and book you read!) stressed the importance of your diet for your fetus’s brain and neural development? Well, now…
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