Ever stop to think about how much time your child spends inside? Most tots under the age of 24 months spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, where research…
By Stacy Whitman Even if you aren’t using harsh chemical cleaners when your tot is around, the products can leave behind fumes and residue that could irritate her eyes, skin…
File under scary but true: Roughly one in 88 U.S. children have autism spectrum disorders—a number that increased nearly 78 percent between 2002 and 2008. And while most experts agree…
Here’s a roundup of some of this week’s most interesting health stories. Just in case you were too busy, you know, keeping up with your child all week to sit…
By Stacy Whitman Planning to travel during the holiday season? Remember: Safety doesn’t take a vacation, says car seat expert and NewParent.com contributor Alisa Baer, MD, aka “The Car Seat…
By Nicole Gregory No one likes to see a baby or toddler struggling with cold symptoms—particularly a cough that can linger for weeks. But the FDA and American Academy of…
This content of this article was originally published by CPSC.gov CPSC and U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s recent seizure at a U.S. port of two shipments of children’s Halloween costumes with safety…
This week, the makers of Colic Calm released a new infographic (below) that highlights the dramatic rise in infant reflux and GERD diagnoses in recent years, as well as the…
Bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-like compound that has drawn increased scrutiny in recent years, has been linked to changes in thyroid hormone levels in pregnant women and newborn boys, according to…
Helpful Tip: No parent likes to take a baby to get immunization shots, but there are ways to relieve your baby’s pain and make the experience less trying. In a…