From The horrific story of a woman who reportedly smothered her infant when she fell asleep while nursing on a plane should not scare women away from feeding mother’s…
Article Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal An Ohio Supreme Court decision allowing a breastfeeding mother to be fired from her job for taking breaks to pump milk has ignited…
Article Courtesy of US News and World Report Antiretroviral drugs appear safe and effective in helping prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child through breast milk, a new…
Read all blog posts by Natalie Noah signed his first sign today, opening and closing his little hand asking for mommy milk. Incidentally, breastfeeding is quite the topic these days…
Article Courtesy of the By Lisa Belkin There’s multitasking, and there’s taking leave of your senses. Last week, Genine Compton, a mother living outside Dayton, Ohio, drove her children…
Latching, or latching-on, is the process of getting the baby attached to the breast so that he or she can suck and remove milk from the breast. For baby to…