Finding out whether you’re having a girl or boy is one of the most exciting parts of your pregnancy. And, many moms and dads are making it even more great…
Morning sickness: It’s one of the first things associated with pregnancy as well as one of the most unpleasant. (As if swollen breasts, constant exhaustion, and mood swings weren’t quite…
You know to absolutely avoid alcohol and smoke during your pregnancy—but whether or not you need to avoid certain personal care products isn’t quite as clear. But the ingredients in…
There’s lots to love about a baby bump—except stretch marks. They’re not so fun. But is there any way to actually get rid of them? We chatted with a dermatologist—who’s…
It’s true, to avoid feeling like a schlub, you’ll probably want to pick up a few new maternity pieces once your bump starts showing. The key to doing it without…
Yet another reason for women to consider popping fish oil pills (or better yet, eat fish!) during pregnancy: Research suggests it may offer babies protection against colds. How fish oil…
There’s no law that says you have to sign up for a childbirth prep class just because you’re pregnant, but doing so can help you discover the childbirth experience you…
Gear up for the cold weather season with Motherhood Maternity’s line of outerwear. As told by the company’s designer, non-maternity coats tend to shift and bunch—outerwear is designed to fit…
When pregnant, your main focus is the health of your baby, and a healthy mommy is a necessary part of that equation. Exercising while pregnant makes some women wary; they,…