Charges Filed Against Balloon Boy Dad

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The family of Balloon Boy Falcon Heene will go to court in Fort Collins, Colo., at 8:30 a.m. on Friday the 13th to admit their guilt.

David Lane, an attorney for the father, released a statement Thursday morning saying the 6-year-old boy’s mother, Mayumi Heene, will plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of false reporting to authorities and his dad, Richard, with plead guilty to a felony charge of attempting to influence a public servant.

Lane said in his statement that Richard will “fall on his sword,” and take a felony plea to prevent his wife, a Japanese citizen, from possible deportation.

Global Attention
The family garnered international attention on Oct. 15 after calling in reports to the FAA, 911 and a local TV station that their son had crawled into a saucer-shaped balloon and taken flight.

After nearly two hours in the air, the craft landed without anyone aboard. Falcon later was found at home, claiming he had had been hiding in the garage attic because his father had yelled at him.

The Larimer County Sheriff’s department met with the couple two days later and obtained what they said was a confession from Mayumi that the incident was part of a hoax planned to help them obtain a reality TV show.

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