6 Kids You'll Find At a Toddler Birthday Party

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Article Courtesy of Momversation.com

6. Señor Puker


The Puker will eat his weight in cupcakes if you let him.  Heck, this kid will puke if you look at him funny.


Cut this kid off like David Hasselhoff at a Burger King.  One piece of cake only, and keep plenty of ginger ale on hand.

5. Captain Destructo


If there’s a cake involved, this kid’s a-smashing.


Let Captain Destructo know you mean business.  Give him the old crazy eyes when he starts on his rampage.  If that doesn’t work, for pete’s sake, don’t be afraid to have his parents get him under control.

4. The Wallflower


You’re constantly trying to involve her in pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and the scavenger hunt, but this little one won’t leave her mama’s knees.


Have kids try to engage her one-on-one if crowds scare her.  And if she won’t join in on singing “Happy Birthday,” cool.  More cake for the rest of us.


Go to Momversation.com for more great articles.

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