Now that you have safely delivered your baby, you might want to invest in a brand-new, good-quality breast pump to ensure that your baby has access to your milk even when you are away. Irrespective of whether you are stepping out for just a few hours, needing a little rest or thinking about returning to work, a breast pump is a handy tool to own.
Selecting the Right Breast Pump for You:
1. Electric or Battery operated Breast Pump
If you anticipate being away from your baby often (especially if you intend to go back to work), have a steady milk supply and need to pump a couple of times during the day, you might want to purchase a high-end, fully automatic Electric Personal-Use Breast Pump. These pumps usually weigh about five pounds; some even less and offer amazing functionality such as adjustable suction levels, quick cycling time and double-pumping, etc. Most top-quality electric models are more expensive than the manual ones but they stand-out on counts of efficiency, comfort and convenience of use; not to forget they’re quiet too, and promote a higher milk supply as they drain the breasts completely. And these models come with all the necessary accessories such as bottles, labels, clips, storage bags and nipple ointment, etc., to make your life easier! If you are facing difficulty nursing your baby during the first few weeks after delivery, you should consider using a Hospital-Grade Electric Breast Pump with a double collection kit.
2. Manual, Hand Operated Breast Pump
Looking for a simple, straight-forward and affordable breast pump that’s light-weight too? A low-cost, hand-operated breast pump weighing less than two pounds may be ideal for you. Hand-operated breast pumps are popular with moms who don’t plan to use the pump more than once a day or even less, and prefer to have hand control over the suction process. On the flip side, many moms feel that a manual pump requires more effort to operate and is incapable of emptying their breasts completely, which in turn hampers their milk supply. Unlike electric pumps, a manual pump can be used to drain only one breast at a time, making it time consuming too.