Appreciating Motherhood

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0905-mom-advice From the featured blog, The Adventure of Motherhood

When the extraordinary becomes ordinary, we are in danger. We start looking for more. We stop appreciating things the way we should. I have the extraordinary job of being the full-time caretaker, snuggler, lover, nurse, story reader, art teacher, music teacher, language teacher to another soul that once grew and lived inside of me. There is nothing ordinary about that! It doesn't matter that millions and billions of women before me have had that same job. It's a calling that no matter how many times its repeated will always be extraordinary. However, over time the wonder of it all can wear off amidst the play dough in the carpet, the bowel movement in the bathtub, the broken pearl necklace, and a week of temper tantrums. All of the sudden I find myself thinking, “is this mom thing really extraordinary?” Maybe I need more. Should I return to work? What difference does it make? But then I watch her care for her own dolly. She wraps her baby in her favorite pink fleece blanket with satin trim. “Love you,” she says and kisses the baby doll on her nose. “Sleepy?” she sets her baby doll down in the her white crib with strawberries painted on the side, and says “Night, night baby.” She walks away and then pretends the baby is crying and runs back to the crib to hold her baby and sit her at the table for a snack. “Soup, baby?” she asks and scoops some imaginary food from her baby's bowl. “Yummy!” she giggles and wipes her dolly’s face. She learned to care for her baby by watching me care for her. That is EXTRAORDINARY. I get to be part of something extraordinary every day. Motherhood is not ordinary. This is why I proudly stay home with my daughter even though I have a college degree. I could be making my way in the world, but her world is where I want to be.

How to not let the “extraordinary” become “ordinary.”

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