Article courtesy of our friends at bloomacious

January is almost always the gloomiest month of the year – and lately it seems particularly challenging for many of us to get our spirits onto an even keel.

I think as we get further into the year, the general heaviness that seems to sitting on all of us will start to lift and brighter days will dawn.  But till then, chocolate, sugar, shopping, and all sorts of other things I personally love to do for an instant lift are off limits.  So, here are some suggestions for things that will instantly, or really swiftly, give us a boost of joy!

1) Think positive about someone you really don’t care for. For example,  that annoying co-worker or really mean checker at the grocery store – think of a thing or two that is really nice about them.  You’ll be amazed at how leading your mind away from negativity will give you instant serenity.

2) When you hear bad news, try to think of what positive things might come out of it.  The economy situation, for example, has a lot of silver linings—many more than most people seem to realize.  So many times it seems like the worst things that happen to people, often over time turn into the best things.  I can remember being really upset over being fired from a job I really liked years ago – thinking the world was ending for me and certain I would end up in a housing project.  Full of fear and feeling utterly demoralized.  But I picked myself up, started my own business and have made a great income, met celebrities, and had a good career ever since – and that was 13 years ago!  It turned out, being fired was a turning point that tipped my life from a dead-end future to something of my own that I never would have found without being pushed by fate into it.

3) Stand up straight!  If you already have a good posture, stand up straighter!! It’ll immediately lift your spirits and stoke that inner power core that boosts self confidence and makes you feel invincible.  Follow these tips from Dr. Natalie Cordova.

4) Give your house or apartment an instant lift by washing the windows (this alone will make the place look spiffier and brighter) and mopping / vacuuming the floors – then placing a simple flower arrangement at your bedside.  I know you probably don’t think housework can usurp a chocolate chip cookie in the instant gratification department, but try it, you might be surprised.  You’ll feel a little bit spoiled when you wake up in the morning and turn in at night.


5) Give your wardrobe a lift by changing the buttons on some of your older shirts and jackets.  Get playful with your choices by choosing bright colors and unusual themes to really make your pieces look unique (ahhhh, the term couture has a new home).  Read more about where to buy and how to sew them here.  Then edit your closet and see what could go to The Salvation Army, because they really do need that pair of pants that you bought on sale 3 years ago but never wore, and you don’t.

6) Change your haircolor! Yes, it’s often said when a woman wants to change her life she changes her hair, and this just might be the time for me.  If you want just a little boost go just a couple shades lighter or darker than your current color.  Not ready for a huge plunge into home hair color?  Try a clear glaze that’ll add major shine and body for about $5, or a non-permanent color such as Clairol Natural Instincts.

7) Do something nice for someone even if you don’t know them.  Buy some flowers for a neighbor you haven’t seen in awhile, a latte for a friend at work, take your old magazines to a hospital or retirement home.  Let someone ahead of you in line for the train.  There is almost no feeling like doing something kind for someone else.  And it’s a reward that will come back to you time and again.

8) Record a video at Harajuku Lovers Fragrance website.

9) Jump up and down!! Dare you to take your shoes off, go outside and leap up in the air.  You will be all giggly and goofy in minutes.  Or, if you don’t believe me, take a gander at our gallery of celebrities who are literally in the air.  I would say Jack Black is the master of leaping after looking these over!


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We’ve got 9 tips for making yourself happy…instantly! (Sorry, there’s no cookie-eating involved.)

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