Your Baby
- Rapid brain growth continues.
- The baby is too big to move around much, but he can kick strongly and roll around.
- You may notice the shape of an elbow or heel against your abdomen.
- Bones of the head are soft and flexible to make it easier for the baby to fit through the birth canal.
- Fingernails have grown to tips of fingers.
- Lungs may still be immature.
- Your baby is now about 18 to 19 inches long and weighs about 4 to 5 pounds.
Your Body
- You may feel stronger contractions this month.
- You may have some leakage of colostrum (the fluid that will feed your baby until your milk comes in) from your breasts.
- You may have trouble sleeping because it is hard to get comfortable. Try putting several pillows under your head.
- You may have shortness of breath as the baby crowds your lungs.
- The baby may crowd your stomach. Try eating five or six smaller meals during the day.
- The top of your uterus lies just under your rib cage.
Prenatal Care Guide
- Visit your health care provider every two weeks for prenatal care checkups.
- You should gain 1 pound a week this month.
- Call your health care provider right away if you have:
- Bleeding or a gush of fluid from your vagina
- Cramps, stomach pains or a dull backache
- Blurry vision, or spots before your eyes
- A feeling that the baby is pushing down
- A noticeable decrease in the baby’s movements
- More than five contractions in one hour
Your baby is now about 18 inches long and weighs 4 to 5 pounds.